Sport Performance
Virtual Reality for Sport Performance
The environments for the Sport performance area are a set of tools to help evaluate and manage activation, emotional regulation, and attention management to increase well-being and improve performance.
VR Environments that help
Attentional Training
This environment is designed to target immersion and attentional focus towards a sport performance goal.
Waiting room blood test
- This environment takes the individual to a hospital waiting room. After the nurse leads them into a procedure room, their blood is drawn in various ways.
Attentional focus
This virtual environment allows the individual to practice mindfulness and acceptance exercises as they walk through a peaceful meadow.
Body scanning
- This environment is unique in that it engages with Jacobson’s relaxation and induction techniques as the individual takes a mental journey of their body. It is especially useful for progressive muscle relaxation.
Emotional regulation
This environment engages with two interconnected scenarios. As the environment transitions from spring to summer, the individual can practice full-attention exercises.
Imagery for relaxation
This environment takes the individual along a beautiful island where they can relax to the sound of the sea and the sight of a waterfall. As they walk, they can also engage in relaxation exercises.
Progressive muscle relaxation
- Using tension relaxation exercises, ordered by muscle groups, this virtual environment can train the individual in the practice of progressive muscle relaxation
VR Therapy involves gradually introducing a person to the situation causing their fear and helping them adapt to it. It may involve just a few sessions of therapy, after which the end goal is the person confronting their fear.